Nicobar Islands (India): An Unexplored Paradise of Pristine Beauty

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When it comes to Indian islands, the Nicobar Islands are a true gem tucked away in the Indian Ocean. As part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, this group of islands boasts unspoiled beauty and breathtaking landscapes. From its rich biodiversity to its stunning beaches, the Nicobar Islands offer travelers an unparalleled experience in the heart of the Indian archipelago.

The Nicobar Islands are located a world away from the bustling mainland of India. Situated in the Nicobar district, these islands are just a short distance from the capital city of Port Blair. As an Indian Union Territory, the Nicobar Islands are a haven for those seeking a truly unique adventure.

The Nicobar Islands are home to a wealth of natural wonders. With dense mangrove forests, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs, the islands provide a playground for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Whether it’s snorkeling, scuba diving, or hiking, visitors can immerse themselves in the untouched beauty of the Nicobar Islands.

But it’s not just the landscape that makes the Nicobar Islands special. These islands are also rich in cultural heritage, with indigenous tribes calling them home. Visitors have the opportunity to interact with the tribes, witness traditional dances and rituals, and learn about their unique customs and traditions.

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply seeking a tranquil getaway, the Nicobar Islands have something for everyone. Embark on a journey to this unexplored paradise and discover the pristine beauty of India’s Indian Ocean islands.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Nicobar Islands offer pristine beauty and untouched natural landscapes
  • The islands are known for their rich biodiversity and stunning beaches
  • Visitors can engage in activities like snorkeling, scuba diving, and hiking
  • The islands are home to indigenous tribes with unique cultural heritage
  • Accommodation options range from beachfront resorts to eco-lodges

Exploring the Beauty of the Nicobar Islands

Welcome to the paradise of the Nicobar Islands, where nature’s beauty unfolds in all its glory. As I set foot on these pristine islands, I was captivated by the untouched landscapes and the vibrant colors that surrounded me. From the dense mangrove forests to the crystal-clear waters, there is an abundance of natural wonders waiting to be explored.

One of the highlights of the Nicobar Islands is the opportunity to indulge in various activities that bring you closer to the beauty of the surroundings. Snorkeling in the vibrant coral reefs, scuba diving to discover the diverse marine life, and hiking through the lush forests are just a few ways to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of these islands.

But it’s not just the landscapes that make the Nicobar Islands special. The islands are also home to indigenous tribes who have managed to preserve their traditional way of life. Interacting with these tribes and witnessing their traditional dances and rituals is a truly unique cultural experience that adds a whole new dimension to your exploration of the islands.

Subheadline – Uncovering Hidden Gems

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When it comes to exploring the Nicobar Islands, there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered on each island. Whether you’re visiting Car Nicobar, Great Nicobar, or Little Nicobar, the picturesque beaches, lush forests, and vibrant marine life will leave you in awe. Take a leisurely stroll along the golden sands, embark on a trek through the dense forests, or simply soak in the tranquility of your surroundings.

Island Attractions Activities
Car Nicobar Beautiful beaches Snorkeling, beachcombing
Great Nicobar Lush forests, endemic wildlife Hiking, wildlife spotting
Little Nicobar Untouched beaches, indigenous tribes Cultural exchanges, nature walks

So, lace up your shoes, grab your snorkeling gear, and get ready to uncover the hidden gems that the Nicobar Islands have to offer. There is no shortage of beauty to explore, and every moment spent on these islands is an opportunity to create lasting memories.

Getting to the Nicobar Islands

When planning a trip to the Nicobar Islands, it is important to know how to get there. The main entry point to the Nicobar Islands is Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. From Port Blair, visitors can take ferries or private boats to reach the various islands in the Nicobar group. This allows travelers to enjoy the scenic journey and take in the beautiful surroundings.

It is important to note that certain areas of the Nicobar Islands are restricted and require special permits to visit. These permits can be obtained from the relevant authorities in Port Blair, and it is advisable to arrange for them in advance to avoid any last-minute complications. These restrictions are in place to protect the fragile ecosystems and cultural heritage of the islands.

Traveling to the Nicobar Islands requires some planning, but the effort is well worth it. The journey itself is an adventure, offering stunning views and a glimpse into the natural beauty of the Indian Ocean. Whether arriving by ferry or private boat, visitors are sure to be captivated by the crystal-clear waters and untouched landscapes that await them on the Nicobar Islands.

Nicobar Islands

Table: Ferry Schedule from Port Blair to Nicobar Islands

Island Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
Car Nicobar 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 2 hours
Great Nicobar 10:30 AM 1:30 PM 3 hours
Little Nicobar 11:45 AM 2:45 PM 3 hours

The ferry schedule from Port Blair to the Nicobar Islands is subject to change, so it is advisable to check for the latest updates and plan accordingly. It is also worth noting that the duration of the journey may vary depending on the weather conditions and the type of vessel used for transportation.

Must-Visit Islands in the Nicobar Group

The Nicobar Islands are a paradise for travelers seeking pristine beauty and unique experiences. Within this group of islands, there are several must-visit destinations that showcase the true wonders of the Nicobar Islands. From picturesque beaches to vibrant marine life, these islands offer a diverse range of attractions for every visitor.

Car Nicobar

Car Nicobar is known for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters. The island boasts pristine white sands and turquoise blue seas, perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun. Visitors can also explore the indigenous tribes’ settlements and learn about their rich cultural heritage.

Great Nicobar

Great Nicobar is the largest island in the Nicobar group and is home to diverse ecosystems. The island is covered in lush forests, where visitors can embark on nature walks and discover unique flora and fauna. The island also has beautiful beaches and offers opportunities for snorkeling and diving.

Little Nicobar

Little Nicobar is a hidden gem with untouched natural beauty. The island is known for its dense mangrove forests, which are a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can also explore the island’s pristine beaches and immerse themselves in the tranquility of this remote paradise.

Island Attractions
Car Nicobar Stunning beaches, indigenous tribes’ settlements, cultural heritage
Great Nicobar Lush forests, unique flora and fauna, beautiful beaches, snorkeling and diving
Little Nicobar Dense mangrove forests, birdwatching, pristine beaches

These are just a few examples of the must-visit islands in the Nicobar group. Each island offers its own unique attractions and experiences, ensuring that every traveler can find something that captivates them. Whether you’re looking for relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, the Nicobar Islands have it all.

Experiencing the Indigenous Culture

The Nicobar Islands are not only known for their natural beauty but also for their rich indigenous culture. Exploring the islands offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the traditions, customs, and way of life of the local tribes. The Nicobarese, Shompen, and Onge tribes have inhabited these islands for centuries and have managed to preserve their distinctive cultural heritage.

Interacting with the indigenous tribes is a fascinating experience. From witnessing their traditional dances and rituals to learning about their unique customs, visitors can gain valuable insights into their way of life. The tribes’ connection to nature is evident in their traditional practices, which revolve around sustainable living and a deep respect for the environment.

Visitors are encouraged to engage with the tribes in a respectful and responsible manner. Local guides can provide valuable cultural context and facilitate meaningful interactions. It is important to remember that the indigenous tribes have faced numerous challenges throughout history, and respecting their privacy and traditions is of utmost importance.

Indigenous Tribes of the Nicobar Islands:

Tribe Population Language
Nicobarese Approximately 22,000 Nicobarese language
Shompen Approximately 400 Shompen language
Onge Approximately 100 Onge language

Engaging with the indigenous tribes not only provides a deeper understanding of their culture but also contributes to the preservation of their way of life. Supporting local initiatives and purchasing traditional crafts directly from the tribes helps sustain their cultural practices and economic independence.

“The indigenous tribes of the Nicobar Islands have a rich cultural heritage that is worth exploring. From their unique customs to their sustainable way of life, the tribes offer visitors a truly immersive experience.”

Accommodation Options in the Nicobar Islands

When it comes to accommodation in the Nicobar Islands, visitors are spoiled for choice. Whether you prefer luxurious beachfront resorts, cozy eco-lodges, or budget-friendly guesthouses, there is something to suit every traveler’s taste and budget.

For those seeking a luxury experience, there are several high-end resorts that offer top-notch amenities and stunning views of the turquoise waters. These resorts often feature private beach access, infinity pools, spa facilities, and gourmet dining options. They provide the perfect setting for a relaxing and indulgent getaway.

If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly and sustainable option, there are many eco-lodges scattered across the islands. These lodges are designed to minimize their impact on the environment while still providing comfortable accommodations. They often offer unique experiences such as nature walks, birdwatching tours, and organic farm visits.

For budget-conscious travelers, there are plenty of guesthouses and homestays available. These accommodations provide a more immersive experience, allowing visitors to interact with the local community and learn about their way of life. They are often located in picturesque settings, close to the beaches and natural attractions.

Accommodation Type Features Price Range
Luxury resorts Private beach access, infinity pools, gourmet dining $200-$500 per night
Eco-lodges Sustainable practices, nature walks, organic farm visits $100-$300 per night
Guesthouses Immersive experience, close to beaches and attractions $50-$150 per night

To ensure that you secure the best accommodation option for your trip to the Nicobar Islands, it is advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. This will guarantee that you have a comfortable and enjoyable stay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of this unexplored paradise.

Accommodation options in the Nicobar Islands

Cuisine and Culinary Delights of the Nicobar Islands

When it comes to cuisine, the Nicobar Islands offer a delightful fusion of local flavors and influences from neighboring regions. The island’s cuisine is a reflection of its rich cultural heritage and diverse natural resources. With an abundance of fresh seafood, aromatic spices, and tropical fruits, the Nicobar Islands offer a gastronomic adventure unlike any other.

The cuisine of the Nicobar Islands is centered around indigenous ingredients and traditional cooking methods. Seafood, such as lobsters, crabs, and fish, takes center stage in many dishes. One popular delicacy is lobster cooked in coconut milk, a dish that perfectly blends the sweetness of the seafood with the rich creaminess of coconut.

Another must-try dish is the traditional Nicobari fish curry, which is made with a medley of spices and flavors. The curry is known for its vibrant red color and mouthwatering aroma. It is typically served with steamed rice, which is a staple in the Nicobar Islands.

For those with a sweet tooth, the Nicobar Islands offer a range of rice-based delicacies that are sure to satisfy. One such delicacy is the coconut rice cake, made with freshly grated coconut and aromatic spices. It is a perfect ending to a flavorful meal.

Local Ingredients and Cultural Influences

The unique flavors of the Nicobar Islands cuisine are a result of the island’s abundant natural resources and cultural influences. Coconut, rice, and seafood form the foundation of many dishes, while spices like cardamom, turmeric, and ginger add a depth of flavor.

Additionally, the cuisine of the Nicobar Islands has been influenced by neighboring regions, such as Southeast Asia and South India. These influences can be seen in dishes like coconut-based curries and the use of aromatic spices.

“The Nicobar Islands cuisine is a true reflection of the island’s rich cultural heritage and diverse natural resources.”

Whether you’re a seafood lover or a fan of exotic flavors, the cuisine of the Nicobar Islands is sure to tantalize your taste buds. From succulent lobsters to fragrant curries, each dish offers a unique blend of flavors that will transport you to this unexplored paradise in the Indian Ocean.

Best Time to Visit the Nicobar Islands

When planning a trip to the Nicobar Islands, it is important to consider the best time to visit to make the most of your experience. The Nicobar Islands boast a tropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round and a distinct wet and dry season. However, the months from October to February are considered the best time to visit due to the pleasant weather and calm seas.

During the winter months, the Nicobar Islands experience milder temperatures, making it more comfortable for outdoor activities and exploration. The average temperature ranges from 25°C to 31°C (77°F to 88°F), providing ideal conditions for beach relaxation, snorkeling, and hiking.

It is important to note that the winter months also coincide with the peak tourist season in the Nicobar Islands. Therefore, it is advisable to book accommodations and make travel arrangements in advance to secure the best options. Additionally, popular tourist spots may be more crowded during this time, so planning your itinerary accordingly can help you make the most of your visit.

Season Best Time to Visit Reasons to Visit
Dry Season (October to February) The months from October to February are considered the best time to visit due to the pleasant weather and calm seas. – Pleasant weather and milder temperatures
– Calm seas for water activities
– Comfortable for outdoor exploration
Wet Season (March to September) While the wet season from March to September is characterized by occasional rainfall, it can still be a good time to visit for travelers seeking a more budget-friendly and less crowded experience. – Lower accommodation rates
– Fewer crowds
– Unique landscapes with lush greenery

However, it is worth mentioning that the Nicobar Islands can be visited throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique experiences. The wet season, from March to September, may have occasional rainfall, but it also brings lush greenery and a unique charm to the islands. During this time, accommodation rates are lower, and there are fewer crowds, providing a more tranquil and budget-friendly experience.

Ultimately, the best time to visit the Nicobar Islands depends on your preferences and travel priorities. Whether you choose to visit during the winter months for the optimal weather or during the wet season for a more budget-friendly adventure, the Nicobar Islands promise a memorable and enriching experience.

Best Time to Visit the Nicobar Islands

Essential Tips for Visiting the Nicobar Islands:

  • Book accommodations and make travel arrangements in advance during the peak tourist season to secure the best options.
  • Respect the local regulations and cultural sensitivities of the indigenous tribes.
  • Minimize your environmental footprint by practicing responsible tourism and following designated trails and protected areas.
  • Carry necessary travel insurance and seek medical advice before traveling to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Sustainable Tourism in the Nicobar Islands

The Nicobar Islands are not just a stunning destination for travelers, but also a place where sustainable tourism practices are prioritized. The local authorities and communities are committed to preserving the islands’ fragile ecosystems and cultural heritage for future generations. As a responsible traveler, there are several ways you can contribute to sustainable tourism in the Nicobar Islands.

Respectful Exploration

When exploring the Nicobar Islands, it’s important to respect the natural environment and the indigenous tribes that call these islands home. Stick to designated trails and avoid littering or disturbing wildlife. Remember, you are a guest in their home, so treat it with the same respect you would want others to show yours.

Additionally, it is essential to follow any rules or guidelines set by the local authorities. Certain areas of the Nicobar Islands may be restricted or require permits for access. By adhering to these regulations, you can help protect sensitive ecosystems and ensure the preservation of the islands’ natural beauty.

Supporting Local Initiatives

One of the most impactful ways to contribute to sustainable tourism is by supporting local businesses and initiatives. By choosing locally-owned accommodations, restaurants, and tour operators, you are not only directly supporting the local economy but also promoting the preservation of the islands’ cultural heritage.

There are also numerous community-based organizations and NGOs working towards sustainable development in the Nicobar Islands. Consider volunteering or donating to these organizations to support their efforts in conserving the environment and empowering local communities.

Minimizing Your Environmental Footprint

As a responsible traveler, it is important to minimize your environmental footprint when visiting the Nicobar Islands. This can be done by practicing responsible waste management, conserving water and energy, and avoiding single-use plastics. Bring reusable water bottles, bags, and toiletries to reduce waste and support the islands’ efforts to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Remember, sustainable tourism is all about leaving a positive impact on the places we visit. By adopting these practices and being conscious of our actions, we can contribute to the long-term preservation of the Nicobar Islands’ natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Exploring Port Blair: Gateway to the Nicobar Islands

Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is the perfect starting point for your adventure in the Nicobar Islands. This bustling city offers a range of attractions, historical sites, and natural beauty for visitors to explore. From its rich colonial history to its stunning beaches, Port Blair has something for everyone.

One of the must-visit sites in Port Blair is the Cellular Jail National Memorial, also known as “Kala Pani.” This infamous colonial-era prison played a significant role in India’s struggle for independence. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the prison’s history and the brave freedom fighters who were imprisoned here. The light and sound show held in the evening provides a captivating insight into the stories of the past.

For those interested in the region’s culture and heritage, the Anthropological Museum is a must-visit. The museum showcases the diverse indigenous tribes of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, including the Nicobarese, Shompen, and Onge tribes. Visitors can explore the exhibits that display their traditional artifacts, tools, and crafts, providing a glimpse into their unique way of life.

When in Port Blair, make sure to spend some time relaxing at Corbyn’s Cove Beach. This beautiful sandy beach, lined with palm trees and crystal-clear waters, offers a tranquil escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shore, soak up the sun, or indulge in water sports activities like jet skiing and banana boat rides.

Attraction Description
Cellular Jail National Memorial A colonial-era prison known for its historical significance in India’s struggle for independence. Offers guided tours and a captivating light and sound show.
Anthropological Museum A museum showcasing the culture and heritage of the indigenous tribes of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Displays traditional artifacts and crafts.
Corbyn’s Cove Beach A serene beach with golden sands and clear waters, perfect for relaxation and water sports.

Port Blair not only serves as the gateway to the Nicobar Islands but also offers a range of dining and shopping options. Explore the local markets to indulge in delicious seafood delicacies and shop for handmade crafts and souvenirs. The city’s vibrant atmosphere, coupled with its natural and historical attractions, make it an ideal place to begin your journey into the unexplored paradise of the Nicobar Islands.

Exploring Port Blair: Gateway to the Nicobar Islands

Safety and Precautions in the Nicobar Islands

When visiting the beautiful Nicobar Islands, it’s important to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. The islands offer a unique and pristine environment, and it’s crucial to respect the fragile ecosystems and cultural heritage of this unexplored paradise.

First and foremost, make sure to follow the local regulations and guidelines set forth by the authorities. These regulations are in place to protect both visitors and the unique biodiversity of the islands. Be aware of any restricted areas and obtain the necessary permits before exploring certain parts of the Nicobar Islands.

Remember to respect the cultural sensitivities of the indigenous tribes inhabiting the Nicobar Islands. These tribes have a rich cultural heritage and it’s important to be mindful of their customs and traditions. Avoid taking photographs without permission, and always seek consent before interacting with the indigenous communities.

Additionally, be mindful of the fragile marine ecosystems surrounding the islands. Avoid littering and dispose of waste responsibly. Refrain from touching or damaging coral reefs, as they are essential to the marine life in the area. By practicing responsible tourism, you can help preserve the natural beauty of the Nicobar Islands for future generations.

Essential Safety Precautions:

  • Carry necessary travel insurance to protect yourself against any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Seek medical advice before traveling to ensure you are in good health and up-to-date with any required vaccinations.
  • Stay hydrated and carry sufficient water with you, especially when exploring remote areas.
  • Apply sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from the strong tropical sun.
  • Stay informed about the weather conditions and heed any warnings or advisories issued by local authorities.
  • Keep emergency contact numbers handy and share your travel itinerary with a trusted person.

By following these safety guidelines and respecting the unique environment and culture of the Nicobar Islands, you can have a memorable and fulfilling experience in this hidden gem of India’s Indian Ocean.

Unique Flora and Fauna of the Nicobar Islands

The Nicobar Islands are renowned for their remarkable biodiversity and unique ecosystems. With dense mangrove forests, vibrant coral reefs, and a rich variety of flora and fauna, these islands are a haven for nature enthusiasts. Let me take you on a journey to explore the captivating wildlife that inhabits this unspoiled paradise.

The lush mangrove forests of the Nicobar Islands are home to a plethora of plant species, many of which are endemic to the region. These mangroves not only provide vital habitats for numerous marine and avian species but also act as natural barriers against coastal erosion. Walking through these enchanting forests, you’ll encounter towering trees, intricate root systems, and a symphony of bird calls.

Underwater, the coral reefs surrounding the Nicobar Islands burst with vibrant colors and teem with diverse marine life. Snorkeling and scuba diving enthusiasts can witness the beauty of hard and soft coral formations, swim alongside colorful fish species, and marvel at the graceful movements of sea turtles. The crystal-clear waters provide a window into a world brimming with life, a sight that will leave you breathless.

The avian inhabitants of the Nicobar Islands are equally captivating. Bird-watching enthusiasts can spot a wide array of species, including the Nicobar pigeon, a striking bird known for its iridescent plumage, and the Nicobar megapode, a ground-dwelling bird with unique nesting habits. These feathered creatures add to the islands’ charm and offer a rare opportunity to witness their natural habitats up close.

With its remarkable diversity and unique ecosystems, the Nicobar Islands are a true paradise for nature lovers. From the verdant mangrove forests to the mesmerizing coral reefs, this unexplored gem invites you to immerse yourself in the wonders of its flora and fauna. Come and discover the awe-inspiring beauty that awaits you in the Nicobar Islands.

Flora Fauna
Endemic plant species Nicobar pigeon
Dense mangrove forests Nicobar megapode
Hard and soft coral formations Sea turtles
Colorful fish species


After exploring the pristine beauty of the Nicobar Islands, I can confidently say that this unexplored paradise is a hidden gem in India’s Indian Ocean. From the breathtaking beaches to the vibrant marine life, every moment spent in the Nicobar Islands is truly unforgettable.

Whether you’re an adventure seeker looking to snorkel or scuba dive in crystal-clear waters, a nature lover eager to explore dense mangrove forests, or a cultural enthusiast interested in interacting with indigenous tribes, the Nicobar Islands have something for everyone.

As I conclude my journey through this untouched paradise, I urge you to plan your trip to the Nicobar Islands and embark on your own adventure of discovery and relaxation. Explore the beauty of the islands, immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage, and leave with memories that will last a lifetime.


How do I get to the Nicobar Islands?

The main entry point to the Nicobar Islands is Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. From Port Blair, visitors can take ferries or private boats to reach the various islands in the Nicobar group.

Are there any restricted areas in the Nicobar Islands?

Yes, certain areas of the Nicobar Islands are restricted and require special permits to visit. These permits can be obtained from the relevant authorities in Port Blair.

What are some must-visit islands in the Nicobar group?

Some must-visit islands in the Nicobar group include Car Nicobar, Great Nicobar, and Little Nicobar. These islands are known for their picturesque beaches, lush forests, and vibrant marine life.

Can I interact with the indigenous tribes in the Nicobar Islands?

Yes, visitors can interact with the indigenous tribes in the Nicobar Islands. It is a unique cultural experience where you can witness their traditional dances and rituals and learn about their unique customs and traditions.

What are the accommodation options in the Nicobar Islands?

The Nicobar Islands offer a range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Visitors can choose from beachfront resorts, eco-lodges, and guesthouses located in picturesque settings.

What is the best time to visit the Nicobar Islands?

The best time to visit the Nicobar Islands is during the winter months, from October to February. These months offer pleasant weather and calm seas. However, the Nicobar Islands can be visited throughout the year, with each season offering its own unique experiences.

How can I support sustainable tourism in the Nicobar Islands?

You can support sustainable tourism in the Nicobar Islands by respecting the local traditions and customs, minimizing your environmental footprint, and supporting local businesses and initiatives that contribute to the preservation of the islands’ natural beauty.

What are some attractions to explore in Port Blair?

In Port Blair, visitors can explore historical sites and attractions such as the Cellular Jail National Memorial, Anthropological Museum, and Corbyn’s Cove Beach. The city also offers a range of dining and shopping options.

Are there any safety precautions I should take in the Nicobar Islands?

While the Nicobar Islands are a safe destination, it is important to follow local regulations, respect the cultural sensitivities of the indigenous tribes, and be mindful of the fragile ecosystems. It is also advisable to carry necessary travel insurance and seek medical advice before traveling.

What kind of flora and fauna can I expect to see in the Nicobar Islands?

The Nicobar Islands are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including many endemic species found nowhere else in the world. You can expect dense mangrove forests, coral reefs teeming with marine life, and a variety of bird species.

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